We are known as the elites of ICT knowledge in MBSSKL, however, that is only half truth. Though we’re not all elites, we’re still good or much better when compared to others, and is still learning to achieve greater goals! We were established in 2005 and have been running for more than 10 years now. Just a tiny bit about the past here:
The founder, Chan Zhi Hao, was formally a member of I.T. Brigade Club. With his diligent work and talented friends, he was successful in enabling I.T. Brigade Club being approved by the school administrators establishing the Club into I.T. Brigade. A board solely meant to improvise and maintain the school Information Communication Technology infrastructure.

Generations of IT Brigade Chairman
[2006] Lee Chong Yang
[2007] Cheong Lung Chuin
[2008] Tan Chia Way
[2009] Kriskkumar A/L Karunanithi
[2010] Chan Zhi Yi
[2011] Yip Weishaun
[2012] Daniel Lim Jun Kit
[2013] Daniel Muk Zhi Shen
[2014] Adrian Lee Heng Yang
[2015] Satgunalingam A/L Gopalakrishnan
[2016] Shamalan Rajesvaran
[2017] Gun Ming Fai
(2018) Chang Ee Xen
(2019) Bryan Soong Jun Shen
(2020) Ashvin Narayanan Vairavan
[2021] Loh Ee Zun
[2022] Lee Yue Hin
[2023] Chan Win Lit
[2024] Rohan Ramash Lakhwani
The road ahead is rough, but we are still marching forward !!!