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  1. Please take note that the Rules & Regulations will change without prior notice(s), be sure to check the rules at IT Brigade webpage.

  2. Any new Event(s) or Meeting(s) will be updated daily, be sure to browse IT Brigade webpage regularly.

  3. Member(s) must always obey the EXCOs or the assigned DL, while probates all seniors.

  4. You are not allowed to play computer games at all times, including flash games, mini games and default games offered.

  5. Members are not allowed to linger in the office if you are not on duty. When on duty, you should not be seated. You should be checking all the computers, cleaning the lab, or maintaining ICT infrastructure in the classrooms.

  6. Attire:

    1. You must be in your proper attire with your badge, name tag & tie during the school hours. You are only allowed to take off your tie after school hours.

    2. IT Brigadiers are not allowed to wear co-curriculum shirt on Wednesday.

    3. IT Brigadiers who wear co-curriculum shirt on Wednesday or in incomplete attire will be penalized accordingly.

    4. Attire during duty will be the full ITB uniform with Blazer.

  7. Duty:

    1. You must carry out your duty at least once per week. Your minimal duty hour must be at least 1 hour per duty.

    2. Your duty time will be as the following:

      1. Monday, Tuesday: 2:00-3:15 p.m.

      2. Friday: 12:45-2:00 p.m.

    3. Once your duty day has been fixed, you are not allowed to shift your duty day without valid reasons.

    4. You are not allowed to be absent for duty without reasons.

    5. You must get permission from the Duty Leader/EXCO before you replace your duty on another day. In addition, you have to make sure that your replacement is within 2 weeks of your absence.

    6. Duty must be carried out even during examinations unless stated otherwise.

    7. Only EXCOs and DLs are allowed to stay in the office during duty. Members are only allowed to enter the office for signing in and out.

  8. An assessment will be presented regularly and you are evaluated accordingly. Those who failed the assessment or found breaking the rules will be given demerit, suspended and/or sacked.

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