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I. Board Descriptions
1. Constitutional Name

1.1 The name of the Board shall be referred to as Information Technology Brigade, Methodist Boys’ Secondary School Kuala Lumpur. In the Malay Language, the name of the Board shall be known as Briged Informasi Teknologi Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Laki-laki Methodist Kuala Lumpur.
1.2 All members of the Board shall be known as Information Technology Brigadier or in short, IT Brigadier.
1.3 The word ‘Board’ hereafter will mean the above mentioned Board, which is Information Technology Brigade.
1.4 Words importing the masculine gender shall also include the feminine.

2. Brigadiers’ Uniform
2.1 The uniform for male members shall be standardized according to uniform regulations set by the school, with the addition of grey trousers, grey tie, black leather shoes (shoe laced), I.T. Brigade badge, a silver name tag with black lettering and a black-coloured belt being the approved attire. Members who fail to comprehend shall be dealt with accordance to the Constitution.
2.2 The uniform for female members shall be standardized according to the uniform regulations set by the school, with the addition of grey skirt, grey tie, black leather shoes, I.T. Brigade badge and a silver name tag with black lettering being the approved attire. Members who fail to comprehend shall be dealt with according to the Constitution.
2.3 The executive committee members of the Board shall be identified by a gold tag with black letterings describing his/her post, placed below the I.T. Brigade badge and above the silver name tag.
2.4 For formal functions, a white long sleeved shirt shall be worn in place of the short sleeved shirt along with a black blazer.
2.5 Should any function require I.T. Brigadiers to wear blazer, a black blazer with a monogram (badge embroidery) of the I.T. Brigadier school badge shall be worn along with the silver name tag. Executive committee members should wear the gold tag with their respective post above the silver name tag on the blazer.
2.6 I.T. Brigadiers shall wear the I.T. Brigade badge at all times during school hours and be in formal uniform while representing the Board at any formal functions.
2.7 I.T. Brigadiers are not allowed to join any other board namely Prefectorial Board, Board of Student Librarians, etc.
2.8 All I.T. Brigadiers are not allowed to wear extracurricular or co-curricular uniforms and or t-shirt on the co-curriculum day set by the school.

II Objectives
3. Specific Objectives

3.1 To encourage awareness of the school’s rich tradition and history among all students of Methodist Boys’ Secondary School through year-round activities.
3.2 To provide proper administration, maintenance and updates to the school’s Information and Communication Technology infrastructure (ICT).
3.3 To conduct continuous research and learning of materials related to ICT.
3.4 To provide guidance to students or teachers when in need of assistance.
3.5 To protect and maintain any multimedia equipment of the school from any form of vandalism or state of malfunctions.
3.6 To maintain order and discipline in the school multimedia technology.

III Organizational Structure
4. Advisors

4.1 The advisors of the Board are as listed below:
4.1.1 The teacher(s) appointed by the Principal
4.1.2 Any other person appointed by the Principal
4.1.3 The Principal and Senior Assistants of the School
4.1.4 The pioneer members of the Board
4.2 At any time, the Principal may make changes to the list of advisors, and add or remove an advisor when deemed necessary.
4.3 The Principal have the highest authority in all decisions involving the Information Technology Brigade.

5. Members
5.1 No probationary members, senior members or executive members are above the constitution.
5.2 Members of the board shall consist of the following
5.2.1 Non-administrative members: Head duty leader, duty leader, committee leader, ordinary members
5.2.2 Administrative members: Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Secretary, Assistant Secretary, and Treasurer.
5.3 The Board shall consist of no more than 50 members at any one time.
5.4 I.T. Brigadier will bear the right to carry out their duties in the school but the Principal or teacher advisor with the advice of the Chairman has the right to remove any members of the Board as stated above if deemed necessary due to acts of misconduct.
5.5 Suspension and expulsion of probationary members, senior members or executive committee members can be done if any of the stated parties are involved in any act of misconduct.
5.6 Warning letters and expulsion letters may be sent out to members who break the rules of the Board. The consent of both the Chairman and teacher advisor must be given.
5.7 Members are required to pay their trust fund decided by the executive members to the Treasurer.

6. The Executive Committee (EXCO)
6.1 As stated in Article 5.1, all EXCO members are below the Constitution and should they fail to carry out their responsibilities, a re-election shall be held to replace the vacant EXCO position(s).
6.2 Chairman
The Information Technology Brigade Chairman shall be the head member of the Board. He shall oversee all aspects of the development and running of the Board. He shall also ensure that the Board fulfils the objectives stated in the Constitution. However, the Chairman shall seek approval from the teacher advisors before carrying out any activities involving the Board. The Chairman must be a Form 4 student of the school when elected.
6.3 Vice-Chairman
The Information Technology Brigade Vice-Chairman shall be assistant to the Information Technology Brigade Chairman. He/She shall also serve as the Board Secretary if the Secretary has yet to be appointed. The number of Vice-chairman is subjected to a maximum of two.
6.4 Secretary
The Information Technology Brigade Secretary shall be responsible for all correspondence and records of the Board. He/she is to record and file the minutes of all meetings. Files and documents held by the Secretary are not allowed to be publicly distributed as they are highly confidential, provided there is approval by both the Chairman and teacher advisor. The Secretary shall be hold responsible upon files and documents which are found to be misused, misplaced or stolen. The Assistant Secretary is appointed to assist the Secretary.
6.5 Treasurer
The Information Technology Brigade Treasurer shall handle all financial matters of the Board. If he/she is unable to do so due to certain reasons, an Assistant Treasurer may be appointed to assist the Treasurer after due consideration and discussion with reference to the advisors of the Board. The Chairman of the Board may at anytime get involved in the financial matters of the Board when deemed necessary. With reference to article 5.7, the trust fund must be collected to ensure that the Board does not face financial shortage. The Treasurer and other related EXCO members will be held responsible, if there is a misuse of funds.
6.6 The general duties of an EXCO are as listed below:
6.6.1 To carry out the objectives of the Board.
6.6.2 To manage and administer the Board in all affairs.
6.6.3 To direct all main secretarial records, event records, funds, transactions, sales, duty schedules, school services, public information, meetings, events, activities and projects.
6.6.4 To delegate any work of the Board by appointing sub-committees and defining the power of the sub-committees.
6.6.5 Act in any manner deemed expedient to carry out the objectives of the board for which provision is not made in the charter, with the permission of the advisors.

IV Duties
7. General Duties

7.1 With reference to the objective of the Board (Article 3), Information Technology Brigadiers are to protect and maintain any multimedia equipment of the school from any form of vandalism or state of malfunctions. They are also to report any form of damage in the school multimedia infrastructure to the Principal, advisors or the Executive Committee immediately. They are also given authority in a limited capacity to reprimand students who are found to be vandalizing or damaging school multimedia property in anyway. They shall maintain order and discipline in the school multimedia technology to ensure full protection of the multimedia equipment in the school compound.

8. Specific Duties
8.1 Each Information Technology Brigadier shall be on duty in the Multimedia Lab once a week, after school hours, unless notified by the Chairman of the Board for certain specific reasons with the approval by the teacher advisor.
8.2 The duty schedule (duty days) for each Information Technology Brigadier shall be chosen by them unless deemed otherwise by the EXCO.
8.3 No Information Technology Brigadier may change his/her duty day unless with due consideration.
8.4 Should he be unable to carry out his/her duty on a particular day, he may be excused from duty after due consideration and approval from the EXCO. However, he/she should do a replacement duty on another day within 2 weeks from his/her date of absence.
8.5 The lab may be opened to students after school on all schooling days, for a period of one and a half hours, at the discretion of the EXCO. The lab will be closed during public holidays, school holidays and if school events fall on the same day.
8.6 The Chairman of the Board shall assign any member to be in charge of covering any school event and posting a report about the event on the Board’s website.
8.7 The Board shall be responsible for storing a photo of all artefacts and copies of all documents in digital format for future references.
8.8 When meetings are held in session in the Multimedia Lab or any other venue, the Information Technology Brigadier shall request permission from the teachers inside before entering. The Multimedia Lab will not be opened to students when a teachers’ meeting is in session. The Multimedia Lab will be open to students during meetings are being convened with the digression of the Executive Committee.

V. Meetings
9. Annual General Meeting (AGM)

9.1 The Annual General Meeting will be held once a year on a date deemed suitable by the Chairman of the Board.
9.2 During the Annual General Meeting, the selection of EXCOs for the following term will be conducted.
9.2.1 After the Annual General Meeting, the previous EXCO shall cease to carry out its official duties and the new EXCOs shall take over.
9.2.2 Previous EXCOs shall guide the new EXCOs in matters regarding the Board.
9.3 Any member of the Board is eligible to be elected to the Executive Committee except Information Technology Brigadiers who are form 3 and below.
9.4 The first meeting held by the new Executive Committee shall be called the “Primary Conference” and the agenda shall be the planning for the next administrative year and must be convene immediately with a grace period of one week after the Annual General Meeting is held.
9.5 Information Technology Brigadiers shall be in their formal attire when attending the Annual General Meeting with reference to the Article 2.4 to 2.7.

10. Other Meetings
10.1 General Meeting (GM)
10.1.1 General Meeting shall convene at least once in one month.
10.1.2 Every General Meeting shall be conducted on Mondays unless notified by the Chairman of the Board.
10.1.3 In an administrative year, no less than 6 General Meetings should be held.
10.2 Emergency Meeting (EM)
10.2.1 Emergency Meeting shall convene when deemed necessary and members can be given due notification at anytime.
10.3 Executive Committee Meeting (EXCO meeting)
10.3.1 EXCO meeting shall convene before each General Meeting.
10.3.2 There is no direct agenda for an EXCO meeting. All issues concerning the Board must be addressed and solutions to each problem should be discussed.
10.4 All members are required to wear appropriate Information Technology Brigade attire that is stated with reference to Article 2 when attending any form of meetings.
10.5 All members shall attend all the meetings held. Should they not be able to attend, an official letter must be given to the Chairman and filed by the Secretary.

11. Meeting Minutes
11.1 Meeting Agenda
11.1.1 Every meeting shall be conducted with reference to the meeting agenda unless the agenda is irrelevant or in need of change in any way.
11.1.2 A meeting agenda consist of temporarily organized plan for matters to be attended to.
11.2 Meeting Minutes
11.2.1 Meeting minutes must be completed within a grace period of 1 week from the date of any meeting and must be compiled into the Secretary’s file with approval from the Chairman and teacher advisors.

12. Notice for Meetings
12.1 General Meeting
The Information Technology Brigade Chairman or Executive Committee on the advice of the Chairman shall issue notice of any meeting. The notice of general meetings shall be at least 1 day in advance.
12.2 Emergency Meeting
On the request of any of the Executive Committee members or half of the full membership of the Board, an Emergency Meeting may be convened at a short notice.

13. Quorum
13.1 A quorum is the minimum number of members of an assembly necessary to conduct the business of that group. The requirement for a quorum is protection against totally unrepresentative action in the name of the body by an unduly small number of persons.
13.2 The Quorum for any meeting of the Board shall be two thirds of the full membership of the Board, including at least four Executive Committee members.

14. Voting
14.1 At any meeting of the Board, each Information Technology Brigadier has one vote and voting by proxy will not be allowed. In the event of a tie, the Chairman shall have the casting vote.
14.2 Members have the option for abstaining from voting if the subject matter that is being considered has direct influence by or on them.
14.2.1 Article 14.2 shall be listed as “Abstain” in meeting minutes to indicate abstention of voting.
14.3 All voting on the subject matter is to be kept highly confidential and classified.

VI. Admission and Cessation of Membership
15. Admission

15.1 Extra members may be recruited when it is felt by the Chairman that members of the Boards are unable to cope with the Board’s management.
15.2 The maximum number of the nominees/candidates shall not exceed twice the number of existing members on the Board at that time of recruitment.
15.3 In all matters regarding the selection of new Information Technology Brigadier, the decision of the selection shall be finalized with the advice and approval of the Executive Committee and teacher advisors of the Board.
15.4 For a student to be eligible for selection, a few criteria are laid down as below.
15.4.1 The student must have been a student of the school for a minimum period of 2 years. Exception is given in extreme cases for lower six students. Form 5 students cannot be taken in for all cases.
15.4.2 The student must undergo a probation period of at least 3 months before being formally installed as an Information Technology Brigadier, during which the student will be expected to learn the management system of Information Technology Brigade and learn the Information Technology Infrastructure, on which the student will be tested at the end of the probationary period. The Chairman may change the date of the test at anytime when it seems desirable.
15.4.3 Should the probationary member be found to be incompetent or be involved in any misconduct, the EXCOs shall have a meeting to decide whether to continue his probation or to sack the student. If a student is sacked from probation, the Chairman shall write a strictly confidential report stating the reasons of sacking and file it in a highly-classified file.

16. Cessation
16.1 Any member of the Board shall cease to remain in the Board if:
16.1.1 He/She leaves the school by means of transfer, migration or expulsion.
16.1.2 He/She resigns himself/herself from the Board with the approval of the Executive Committee and the Teacher Advisor(s). The resignation letter must be typed and submitted to the Executive Committee and the Teacher Advisor(s).
16.1.3 He/She is dismissed by the Executive Committee with the approval of the Advisors or dismissed by the School Principal.
16.1.4 He/She is found to be disgracing or condemning the Board.
16.1.5 He/She receives more than 2 warning letters in a year.
16.2 For any dismissals under Article 16.1.3 and 16.1.4, a confidential report shall be prepared by the Chairman and filed into a confidential file. At the end of the administrative year, the documents shall be destroyed.
16.3 However, if the School Principal decides not to sack the members for any reason as stated in Article 16.1, then the member shall remain in the Board.

VII. Amendments
17. Conditions for amendments

17.1 Any amendments or additions to the Constitution may be made if there is a two third majority agreement of the full membership of the entire Board.
17.2 Amendments can only be made during the Annual General Meeting or General Meeting or if the issue requires necessary immediate amendment.
17.3 All amendments are to protect the characteristics of the Board which are considered sacrosanct.
17.4 The amended constitution should be endorsed by the principal, teacher advisors and revisions made known to the Board.
17.5 All previous Constitutional amendments must be kept by the Chairman for record, if available.

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