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Greetings everyone,

Following the Annual General Meeting held on the 8th of August , a new batch of EXCOs have been elected. The new executive committee members are :

Chairman : Shamalan Rajesvaran

Vice Chairman 1 : Hee Zhan Zhynn

Vice Chairman 2 : Jeerayuth Lee

Treasurer : Lee Heng Yew

Assistant Treasurer : Tong Rui Yang

Writer's picture: Info Tech BrigadeInfo Tech Brigade

Greetings Everyone,

On the 8th of August, we had our Annual General Meeting (AGM) to summarized every activity that held throughout the batch of EXCOs. During the meeting, many reports from different committee have given their presentation. But at most importantly, the retirement of the EXCOs and the uprising new EXCOs.

Deep from our hearts, we would like to thanks the EXCOs for doing an amazing job throughout the year. Satguna, our chairman, played an important role in bringing the board up to a higher standard. Follow by our Vice Chairman 1, Chong Ming Yu, Vice Chairman 2, Jozhua Ten who had helped the chairman in making important decisions. Our fellow EXCOs that did well in their roles are the Treasurer, Assistant Treasurer, Secretary and last but not least Assistant Secretary. Without them and their efforts, the board would not have live up to its standard. Special thanks to our teacher advisor, Pn. Munni who did helped and supported us throughout the year. Regardless of our mistakes, she never once gave up on us, but still remain there to guide us and teach us.

In the meeting, the newly elected EXCOs has been voted and the members placed their faith in the new batch of EXCOs. Congratulation to Shamalan, our new Chairman, follow with Hee Zhan Zhynn, Vice Chairman 1 and lastly Jeerayuth as the Vice Chairman 2. The others EXCOs name can be found in the previous post.

I personally hope that the new batch of EXCOs can surpass the previous batch of EXCOs in bringing the board up to be the best board for the school.


Hi everyone, shown below are events that will be held annually. This year, however, there will be events that are never before seen. The success of these events are tantamount to the hard work of the additional head of committees. To start off, let us introduce the event organizers of year 2016.

Combined Boards’ Day

Hee Zhan Zhynn

Pradnesh Sanderan

IT Week

Foong Kin Feng

Jeerayuth Lee Seesuwan

Lee Heng Yew

Shamalan Rajesvaran

ITB Seminar

Hee Zhan Zhynn

Ong Chun Heng

Vagesan Sinnatambi


Foong Kin Feng

How Wen Jiun

Wong Jern Xin


Ong Chun Heng

Pradnesh Sanderan

Tong Rui Yang


Chong Ming Yu

How Wen Jiun

Lee Heng Yew

Vagesan Sinnatambi


Jozhua Ten Wei Xeung

Jeerayuth Lee Seesuwan

Shamalan Rajesvaran

Ong Chun Heng

Wong Jern Xin

All of their hardwork is appreciated. We look forward to the many interesting activities this year.

Ora et Labora!

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