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Hello everyone, if you are reading this, it is very likely you are keen in joining the Board. If you really are,you can do so by taking the forms from the MM2 and please do read the terms and conditions before signing it. Also, since there is a high number of students that took the form, we have made a decision to put the interview on 2 days; Thursday (4/2/16) and Friday (5/2/16). We will segregate the entire group into 2 to ensure you don’t have to stay back until 7pm. It will most likely end at 5:30pm, so the early bird gets the worm. I urge all of you to do your best as we do not need so many members. It’s about quality we’re interested here, not quantity. Some of these questions you can ask yourself as a reality check. How much do I know of a certain program ? Am I responsible enough to uphold the tasks appointed to me ? What is my true motive in joining the ITB Board ? If you can answer these questions honestly, I’m sure you can make a decision on whether to proceed with the interview. I hope to see inspiring people as we are not rigid with our character based system. We want open and creative individuals who can not only create but lead. This is our true motive. I’ll let you think about it. For now, Go Forward MBS !


Chairman 16′

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New batch of EXCOs was elected during the Annual General Meeting of 2015. The new committee is ready to do it’s very best to bring the name of the Board to a higher level. The new EXCO members are:

CHAIRMAN :Satgunalingam A/L Gopalakrishnan (5C)

VICE CHAIRMAN 1:Chong Ming Yu (5K)

VICE CHAIRMAN 2 : Jozhua Ten  (5C)

TREASURER : Yap Yi Sheng  (5K)

ASST. TREASURER: Tai Choon Wei (5M)

Yours sincerely, Chairman 2015/2016

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New batch of EXCOs was elected during the second Annual General Meeting 2014. The new committee is ready to do it’s very best to bring the name of the Board to a higher level. The new EXCO members are:

CHAIRMAN : Adrian Lee Heng Yang (5K)

VICE CHAIRMAN 1:Lau Jia Chuan (5K)

VICE CHAIRMAN 2 : Rahman bin Anwar (5C)

TREASURER : G.Gunaseelalingam  (5K)


Yours sincerely, Chairman 2014/2015

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