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Below is the list of applicants who’ve passed the interview.

Jamie Chong Poh Yee (L6W)

Teng Yin Tze (L6P)

Chan Shy Wey (L6M)

Lau Yien Sxin (L6P)

See Zhen Huey (L6M)

Loon Mun Yee (L6K)

Lai Hui Jing (L6M)

Cheng Jae Son (L6C)

Lor Sheng Qin (L6K)

Looi Choong Mun (L6C)

Yee Kai Weng (L6K)

Ian Lim (L6C)

Thong Wai Keen (L6M)

Chong Wei Haw (4A)

Manirethnam (4K)

You are required to attend a meeting this Friday (8th July 2011). For those who handed in the application forms without a photo, please bring a passport size photo (hand it in during the meeting).

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*Warning: No offence intended for the following post.


Kuala Lumpur: A most exciting interview session resulted in the selection of 11 students as PROBATIONARY IT Brigadiers of MBSSKL here this evening. It was a slow process with the panel deciding to have some fun this time by going hard-core 4 against 1.

Surprisingly, many portray themselves as “good” students of the school. Few wished “Good afternoon” and one even got so blurred he greeted ” Good morning” thrice. And it was a sweltering hot 2 o’clock afternoon. One said, “Oh, I think I will be quite disciplined!” The next moment, he was shot for not having his badge on. It seems like a number of them got so immersed in filling out the application forms that they just had to write “Healthy” on the Allergies column. Here’s a good laugh:

Scene 1

Q: Your experience/knowledge/achievements in IT field? Proficient in any software(s)?

A: I have been to LK class.

Scene 2

Chairman: Tell me more about yourself.

Applicant: Eh? As in?

Scene 3

Applicant: Hey! I know how to use Adobe Reader Acrobat 8!!

Scene 4

Q: Your experience/knowledge/achievements in IT field? Proficient in any software(s)?

A: My experience and knowledge in IT field are good. I am also good in handling.

(faints)…Handling what?!

Scene 5

(points at floppy disk drive) What’s this?

Applicant 1: CD-ROM!

Applicant 2: Processor!


*The following has passed the interview session and will be under probation for 3 months starting in April. Any wrongdoings committed will result in cessation of probation.

1. Lee Jun-on (4A)

2. Samuel Cheng Mau Sheng (4C)

3. Yu Zi Hao (3E)

4. Choy Seong Chor (4M)

5. Lok Jun Hao (3E)

6. Norman Lee Chen Hoe (4C)

7. Lai Jing Jie (3M)

8. Lee Ser Hoong (4A)

9. Chiew Kang Yik (3O)

10. Cavan Loke Zi-Cheng (3M)

11. Chia Bing Xuan (3M)


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